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four channeled messages
four pick-a-card readings
to master the evolving energy of money


limited to 360 people

The way money works is changing.

The world is undergoing a profound energetic shift, transforming the way many areas of our lives operate…

And that includes money.

Old empires are crumbling.

New paradigms are rising.

And the rules of wealth are evolving. 

The frequencies governing money and abundance have deepened, leaving many people stuck on outdated wavelengths

This disconnect between the old energetics of money and the emerging ones are why…

  • Old strategies that worked to bring you jobs or clients in the past are now yielding less and less results

  • It feels like prices are soaring, but your income is stagnating.

  • You have an inner-pull to shift the way you make money, to deepen in your work, or to bring more of your soul - or possibly even your spiritual gifts - into your career or business.


While many people will see only scarcity and fear in this change…

This is your invitation to uplevel WITH this energetic upgrade and seize this golden opportunity for abundance.


4 powerful transmissions channeled from source, guiding you to master this new era of wealth. 

Each transmission is accompanied by an exclusive pick-a-card reading to help you tap into the concepts presented in the transmissions and harness them for abundance.

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A channeled message and sneak peek into the Absolute Abundance transmissions.

The Transmissions

The four transmissions inside of Absolute Abundance each explore the unique upgraded energies that now govern money.


Alone, each of these frequencies hold ever-expanding potency.


But together…

They feed into one another, creating a frequency greater than the sum of its parts. 


This is the frequency of absolute abundance.

Transmission #1: The Awakening

Explore the upgraded energy of surrender and how it can be used in more ways than just “letting go and trusting” in relation to money.


Transmission #2: The Shift

Delve into the elevated frequency of mastery and how it has evolved from brute skill into a much more nuanced and potent element of wealth. 


Transmission #3: The Power

Dive into the new depths of the power behind money and learn what it takes to wield true influence in this new era of prosperity. 


Transmission #4: The Return

Access new frequencies of love as it relates to money + how it can be harnessed for more personal fulfillment and collective good (which the world desperately needs right now).

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Along with these transmissions came the deep inner-knowing that this set of keys is meant for only 360 people. 

Once all 360 spots have been purchased, this offer will close.


Absolute Abundance is currently available for $222

(price will increase incrementally - full price will eventually be $360)

Absolute Abundance Testimonials

"Absolute Abundance is so original and contains such hopeful and timely messages.

The transmissions and card readings provide a high level of clarity and comfort and offer real help for navigating, and contributing to, the necessary shifts the world is going through."

Elle Turner
trainer and mentor for online solopreneurs & micro-business owners

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Money is no longer a linear game of cause and effect.

It is now a game of expansion in all directions.

The energy of wealth is becoming so much more complex and holistic. 


And you are now being presented with the opportunity to master it in an entirely new way than ever before.

Inside of Absolute Abundance, you'll be presented with guidance to help you:

  • Understand the evolving energies of abundance for years to come.

  • See limitless opportunities for prosperity where others see fear.

  • Trust your inner-knowing and adapt to the ever-evolving economic landscape. 

  • Connect more deeply with your intuition, spirit team, and the universe.

  • Navigate any money situation with confidence from the energy of absolute abundance.

Are you ready to shift…
And expand…
Into absolute abundance? 

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this offer for?

If you know you’re here to grow, do big things in this lifetime, and you want to be part of this intentional and loving evolution that humanity is going through… If you want to receive this channeled guidance around these 4 frequencies and how to leverage them in order to master money in this new era of abundance… Then I would be honored to get to share this offering of Absolute Abundance with you. But please, don’t purchase if you’re only purchasing from fear or because you are looking for someone to give you a magic answer to money where you don’t have to do any introspection, growth, or expansion. I only want you to purchase this offering if it feels aligned for you and it feels empowering to you - if you have that inner-knowing that you’re ready to expand and take what’s in these transmissions and run with it and find your own truths and growth in them.

Do you offer any guarantees or refunds?

I do not offer any guarantees or refunds. All sales are final. Plese refer to the terms and conditions at checkout for further disclaimers and important terms for this offer.

How long do I have access to the content in this offer?

You’ll have lifetime access so you can revisit it as often as you like in your personal online portal.

Do members of The Wealth Vibe receive a discount for this offer?

Yes! If you’re a member of The Wealth Vibe, please send me a DM inside of the membership to get the discounted price. If you’d like to become a member of The Wealth Vibe, you can get all the details at The Wealth Vibe page in the navigation of this website or by heading to

What is a transmission?

A transmission (aka channeled message) is guidance I have received from source/spirit, my spirit guides, and the collective I work with. These are incredibly potent pieces of divine guidance. If you are not sure if you resonate with my style of transmissions, you can watch the video embedded closer to the top of this page.

What is a card reading?

A card reading is where I use oracle cards as a tool to help me channel whatever guidance the listeners need to hear around any given topic. For this offer, I’ll be doing readings to give you more practical understanding/application of the concepts from the transmissions. You can watch any of the pick-a-card readings on my YouTube channel:

Will I have the opportunity to ask questions?

No. There isn’t any coaching or Q&A with this offer. This isn’t a coaching program. This is meant to activate and awaken parts of yourself that will allow YOU to expand into more abundance in your own unique way.

Is this offer personalized?

The only level of personalization is within the card readings where you will be presented with multiple cards and then can watch the section of the reading that calls to you. This will be the guidance that is meant for you to hear in the more practical application of these concepts.

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Hi! I’m Taylor.

I’m a money mindset expert, business mentor, oracle deck author, and entrepreneur.


I specialize in helping others transform their relationship with money so they can call in more abundance with ease - all in a way that feels good to them. 

  •  an office job where I was underpaid to a thriving multiple six-figure business.

  •  feeling anxious AF around money to feeling empowered and limitless.

  • struggling to make $2,000/month to making $20,000+/month overnight.

  • desperately wanting time freedom to retiring myself and my husband from our 9-5 jobs.

  •  from $100k in debt to $100k in the bank.


…And so much more.

Through my programs, coaching, and oracle deck, I’ve worked with thousands of people to heal & amplify their relationship with money. And I’ve been featured for my unique approaches in publications like Yahoo! Finance, Thrive Global, and Influencive.

My clients have had phenomenal results like going from the brink of bankruptcy to making six-figures, scaling up their online businesses to $10k-$60k months, making huge leaps in their careers, bringing home over $300,000 in a year, and so much more - all by shifting the way they approach money.

But that’s all superficial stuff. Here’s what I want you to know...

I believe that it’s time for a revolution in the way we - as individuals and as a society - approach money.

Money is looked at as a cold, cruel thing.

But the truth is that money is a tool. An extension of ourselves. A reflection of our inner-state and thoughts.

In other words: I believe happiness is the path to the money you desire - not the other way around.

And the more you heal the inner-struggle around money, the more effortless your outer-experience of money becomes.

My mission is to help the world revolutionize its relationship with money.

So that wealth becomes normalized and the way we engage with it is much softer, intentional, and empowering. 

And that revolution starts with you. 

My own journey with money has been a truly

transformational one that’s taken me from…

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