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Exclusive Money Magic Tips

Green Suede
Green Suede

Spell to Banish Debt/Money Blocks


Tips to Supercharge This Spell

Want to supercharge your spell? Below is a list of moon phases, days, crystals, and extra/alternative ingredients that can help give your magic for this spell a boost.


Moon Phase: Waning Moon/Dark Moon

Day of the Week: Saturday

Crystals: black tourmaline, obsidian, malachite, desert rose (these crystals can be used in your spell as an ingredient OR kept nearby)

Extra/Alternative Ingredients: sage (for banishing bad habits/breaking cycles), rosemary (for gentle protection), clove (for fierce protection), chili pepper (for extra speed and power in riding something from your life)

Direction: Work your spell counter-clockwise/to the left when possible. In the video, you can see me cleansing in a counter-clockwise motion, folding the paper away from me/to the left, etc. Moving in this way sends things away from you – perfect for banishing debt or ridding yourself of a money block.


Below is the incantation I used in this spell. You can swap out the word “debt” for “doubt” if you're using this spell to banish limiting beliefs/blocks around money.


By golden coin and silver stream,
Banish now this binding dream.
Debts that bind and chains that hold,
Turn to stories no longer told.


Banish debt, with wealth replace,
Open now the doors of grace.
Prosperity flows, it's my decree,
As I will it, so mote it be.


In gentle waves and softest breeze,
Lift these burdens with utmost ease.
For those involved, let harm not fall,
May this change be good for all.

Green Suede

Spell to Manifest Money


Tips to Supercharge This Spell

Want to supercharge your spell? Below is a list of moon phases, days, crystals, and extra/alternative ingredients that can help give your magic for this spell a boost.


Moon Phase: Full Moon

Day of the Week: Thursday or Sunday

Crystals: pyrite, jade, tiger’s eye, amazonite (these crystals can be used in your spell as an ingredient OR kept nearby)

Extra/Alternative Ingredients: mint (for money/abundance), tarot cards such as The Wheel of Fortune or any card from The Wealthy Woman Oracle Deck that calls to you (for abundance), oregano (for good fortune), pine (everlasting abundance), nutmeg (for attracting prosperity), safely burn a green candle next to your money bowl (to spark abundance in your life)

Direction: Work your spell clockwise/to the right/toward you when possible. In the video, you can see me cleansing in a mostly clockwise motion, folding the paper to the right/toward me, etc. Moving in this way attracts things to you – perfect for calling in money.


Below is the incantation I used in this spell.


In this vessel, strong and bold,
Call forth wealth, for me to hold.

By the power of earth and sea,
Bring to me prosperity.

With harm to none, with love and light,
Bring forth money, pure and bright.

With gratitude and intention true,
Abundance fills this bowl anew.

Green Suede

Spell to Multiply Money


Tips to Supercharge This Spell

Want to supercharge your spell? Below is a list of moon phases, days, crystals, and extra/alternative ingredients that can help give your magic for this spell a boost.


Moon Phase: Waxing Moon

Day of the Week: Thursday

Crystals: citrine, clear quartz, aventurine, lapis lazuli (these crystals can be used in your spell as an ingredient OR kept nearby)

Extra/Alternative Ingredients: coins/paper money (for money), basil (for abundance), chamomile (for attracting money in a gentle and protected way), parsley (for plentiful wealth), moon water (for extra power & financial amplification) 

Direction: Work your spell clockwise/to the right when possible. In the video, you can see me cleansing in clockwise motion, placing my items around the circle in a clockwise motion, etc. Moving in this way attracts things to you – perfect for calling in more money.


Below is the incantation I used in this spell.


From this to that, energy flows,

Multiply my riches, make my money grow.


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