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How Money Magic Works & How to Start Using It

Taylor Eaton

text explaining how money magic works and how to start using money magic over a background of candles, lavender, herbs, and other witchy items

(You can watch the video version of this blog post on how to start using money magic here.)

There’s been a ton of interest in money magic since I started talking about it the other week (you can see my initial video on it here).

And my inbox has been flooded with people asking “How do I start doing money magic?”

So today I want to give you the #1 thing I recommend doing if you're wondering how to start using money magic.

(And, of course, if you want to go deeper, you can sign up for my upcoming free Money Magic series where I’ll be giving you the foundations of money magic + 3 money spells!

There are all sorts of magical practices out there with different beliefs and modalities.

So I know that getting started with magic - especially money magic - can seem daunting.

Now, what I’m going to suggest you do to get started with money magic is simple, but it’s not what most people suggest.

Because over the past 5 years, I’ve used countless modalites (some spiritual, some not) and worked with thousands of people to help them completely transform their financial reality.

So, unlike a lot of magic practitioners who do money spells, I have a very different perspective around money that is much more holistic and rooted in more than half a decade of hands-on client work.

In order to make sure that my guidance on how to get started with money magic makes sense, I want to give you some insight into WHY money magic is so powerful & how it works.

Why Money Feels Hard to Make or Manifest

Because when you understand HOW money magic works - what it’s doing at the most base level - then you can better find the practices that work the most powerfully for YOU.

So stick with me here, because this is really powerful stuff that I don’t see other people talking about and can truly make or break your money magic practice.

Over my years of client work, I’ve noticed a clear pattern around money with my clients.

>>> The clients that feel like money is hard to make are incredibly serious about money.

>>> The clients that feel like money is easy to make are much more lighthearted about money.

This isn’t to say that the extremely successful and wealthy people I work with don’t treat their finances with respect and intention.

Rather, it’s that they don’t have an overattachment to money.

To put it another way: The #1 reason that money feels hard is because you’re taking it TOO seriously.

Of course, money is important. It’s a necessity in our society.

But we often become WAY too attached to it.

We obsess over it and stress over it.

We measure our success, value, and sense of self against it.

We try to predict how it will come to us or force it to come in a certain way.

When we become so rigid around money, we make it harder than it needs to be.

Because when we worry about money and let that worry consume us…it taints our experience of the present moment and we cut ourselves off from the inspiration that would lead us to the wealth we desire.

When we use money as a metric for our success or value…we get stuck in assessing the value we think we hold now (which is wildly subjective), rather than looking at the potential we have to reach new levels of success.

When we try to control money and the way it comes in…we fixate on a singular path to it, blinding ourselves to other opportunities that may be available for money to flow to us.

In short, the more we see money as hard, the harder we make it for ourselves to receive it.

It’s a cruel self-fulfilling prophecy.

But that’s not even the worst part.

The worst part is that this sort of difficult relationship with money is conditioned into us.

It’s taught to us - consciously and subconsciously - from a young age.

The overthinking, hustle-culture, and rigidness around money is praised as “responsible” behavior in much of the world.

We receive praise for being hard-working.

For being “pragmatic” and “logical” around money.

For joining the majority of the world in their view of money as something cold and frustrating.

But for all of its illusory merits, this overly serious approach to money is what keeps most of the world in struggle when it comes to abundance.

And the few people who have figured this out and opted out from that line of thinking are the ones who are able to easily call in the money they desire.

But how do you get out of this negative conditioning around money?

How do you rebel against this toxic global culture around money?

How do you go from believing that money is hard to make to feeling like it’s effortless?

How do you shift from taking money TOO seriously to bringing a lighthearted, yet conscious intention to it?

This is where magic comes in.

How Money Magic Works

Because there are many ways you can make this shift into playfulness or ease with money.

But the way that has worked the most quickly and powerfully for me - and many others - is bringing magic into our relationship with money.

And when I say “magic”, I mean MAGIC.

Spells, rituals, herbals, charms, concoctions, divination…the whole shebang.

Call it witchcraft, spirituality, manifestation - call it whatever you want.

What I’m getting at here is a mental, energetic, and physical practice that isn’t grounded in the traditional “logic” and rigidity that most people approach life - and money - with.

Because the true power of money magic isn’t in the actual spellwork - though that is powerful - it’s in the way that your magical practices make you feel about money.

I’ve been practicing money magic (spellwork around money) for over a decade now.

And I can tell you that the times when I’ve taken a step back from practicing money magic because I’m afraid I’m not being “realistic” or “responsible” around money and I need to dive back into the mainstream hustle mentality of the world…that’s when money has gotten exponentially harder to bring into my life.

But whenever I’ve embraced my money magic practices…money feels easy.

And from there, it flows into my experience - exponentially and smoothly.

Is that because I’m a sorceress who can do the kind of magic you see in movies?

Absolutely not. (Though I wish that were the case.)

It’s because magic is the perfect counterbalance to the overly serious stance that we’re taught to take around money.

Don’t get me wrong…magic is no joke. It’s powerful.

But the “serious” and “responsible” mainstream way of approaching money narrows our belief in how money can come to us or work for us…

Whereas tapping into the mystical opens us back up to the possibility of the unknown.

And that is where potential and rapid change exist: in the unknown.

That’s where abundance exists.

That’s where the money you desire exists - is in the unknown.

I’m not saying that magic is the key to money. At least…not directly.

Because it’s not necessarily the spells or the potions themselves that manifest money (though they could - no one can know for sure).

It’s the act of grounding ourselves in magical practices around money that allows us to bring a sense of possibility and expansion into our lives…

And that is the key to effortless abundance.

In short, magic is a tool.

A tool to help us shift into a less toxic and rigid relationship with money.

A tool to help us bring more intention and respect to our finances.

A tool to help us work with (instead of against) the energies of the world.

A tool to help us see things differently - and see ourselves differently - so that we can become the person we need to be in order to receive and hold all the wealth we desire.

So that is WHY money magic is so powerful.

That’s HOW it works: it frees you from the typical way of approaching money and opens you up to the limitless possibilities.

It helps you intentionally tap into, align with, and manifest wealth.

All in a lighthearted, healthy way.

Where to Start With Money Magic

So how do you actually start bringing magic into your life and into your relationship with money?

Here’s the #1 thing I recommend (and this is so simple, but I trust you will understand the significance of it now)...

The best way to get started with money magic is to find magical practices that make you feel playful, lighthearted, expansive, hopeful, and positive around money.

There are infinite approaches, beliefs, practices, and flavors of magic.

But some will feel heavy to you.

Some will feel icky to you.

Some will feel like a chore.

Some will feel way too serious.

And because the whole point of money magic is to help you shed the heavy conditioning we have around money and allow you to open yourself up to possibility and lightheartedness and magic around money…

Then it’s so important to find a version of magic that feels aligned and empowering to YOU.

There are a lot of practitioners out there who say you HAVE to do things one way.

Or that their way is the only right way when it comes to money or magic (or both).

But just like there isn’t ONE way to make money, there isn’t just ONE right way to practice money magic.

There’s just the way that’s right for YOU.

So to get started, you can research magic for free online. There are tons of resources out.

You can even search for money magic or money spells and see what you find.

BUT when you search for resources and teachers and spells…make sure you only pursue the things that feel good to you.

Look for approaches to money magic that feel fun and expansive and - magical - to you.

I recommend cross-referencing things and taking EVERYTHING you hear with a grain of salt.

Trust your own inner-guidance or intuition on what feels true and aligned for you.

Because the truth is that while there are long established traditions and types of magic…everyone is different and there is no one way of practicing magic that EVERYONE agrees with.

How to Find Money Spells That Actually Work

I hate to break it to you, but there are no money spells that are guaranteed to work for everyone.

Because everyone's relationship with money is different and everyone has different approaches to magic that resonate with them.

The spells that will be the most effective for you - the ones that will actually work - are the ones that feel good to you (and help you feel good about money).

So look for money spells that feel intriguing, positive, and magical to you.

And if you can't find any that feel that way to you, create your own!

Start with some research and take existing money spells and tweak them to feel aligned to you.

My Approach To Money Magic

If you want to learn more about MY approach to magic - particularly money magic - then I have a free series coming up that I would be so happy to share with you.

It’s called Money Magic and it’s a free four part series where we’ll be diving into the fundamentals of money magic and I’ll be sharing 3 of my favorite money spells with you.

All so that you can start bringing more magic - and therefore ease - to your financial reality.

To sign up for free for the Money Magic series, click here.

My approach to magic is a mix of traditional magical teachings and my specialized expertise as a money mindset expert.

This means that my approach to magic is a unique blend of mystical, energetic, and mindset practices.

Because I love ethereal practices that are grounded in practical application.

I take the powerful mindset principles I’ve mastered over years of client work and incorporate it with esoteric modalities.

The result is incredibly potent spells and rituals that make the inner-work easier to integrate & apply in your life.

The spells I’m sharing with you inside of Money Magic are some of the spells I’ve worked to do “impossible” things like:

  • Double my income overnight when I was still in my day job

  • 10Xing my business’ income in about a month

  • Scale up to $20k+ months in my business

  • Sell out offers with a small audience

  • Go from $100k in debt to $100k in the bank

  • And so much more

So whether you’re a seasoned magic practitioner or new to it all…this free series is perfect for you, because it’s unlike other magic that’s out there.

But again, I am just one resource of many on money magic.

So only come join me in the Money Magic series if it feels aligned to do so.

And, of course, take everything I say and run it through your own inner-guidance.

Start Exploring Various Modalities

Regardless of whether you join me inside of Money Magic or not, I want to leave you with the invitation to start exploring various modalities for magic and money.

And as you do so, ask yourself:

“How can I use magic to heal and transform my relationship with money?”

“How can I use magic to take money a little less seriously?”

The moment you find the answer to these questions that resonate for you is the moment you begin to shift into an effortless relationship and flow with money.

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