I’m going to let you in on a secret…
On December 31, 2022 I made a vow to myself that 2023 would be a year of surrender.
The truth is that after the pandemic, a miscarriage, a difficult pregnancy, and a life-threatening postpartum experience…I felt like I’d fallen into old patterns of worry.
Especially around money.
And I was at a breaking point.
My old money stories that I’d worked so hard to heal & rewrite over the last 5+ years had started sneaking back in.
Thoughts of…
“What if we don’t make enough money this month?”
“I need to do more to make more.”
“I can’t do what I want to do in my business - I have to do what will sell.”
…were playing on a loop in my head.
>>> Even though money hadn’t been an issue (aside from a temporary dip in my business that I’d quickly corrected).
>>> Even though 5-figure months were still the norm in my business.
>>> Even though I’d finally launched my oracle deck, scaled up my funnels, and grown my audience by thousands.
I was still WORRIED about the finances.
And that worry was eating at me.
Stealing my joy, my inspiration, and my motivation.
And I knew that if I didn’t shift something, money WOULD start to be an issue in my business.
PLUS, I knew that I couldn’t reach my next level of income from a place of obsessive worry.
But even KNOWING all this, I still couldn’t shake the worry.
And by the end of 2022, I was so tired of it.
I was over feeling trapped in my own worry.
I was over feeling like I was constantly chasing money.
I was over feeling like the old, motivated version of me was gone - like I’d peaked in my business.
So as 2023 loomed closer, I made a declaration to the universe that sounded something like this:
“Alright, Universe. I give up. I’m done thinking about money. I’m done WORRYING about it. I don’t want to live my life this way. This new year, I’m surrendering and trusting that I’ll be guided to do whatever is best for me. Do what you will. Drive me to financial ruin, deliver riches to me, I don’t care. This year, I’m surrendering. I’m surrendering worry, fear, and doubt. Because I don’t want to get to the end of my life and realize I worried it all away. I surrender.”
After this big declaration, I immediately felt lighter and saw a huge amount of money pour in on the 1st of January.
But HOLDING that surrender was hard.
Learning to undo the desire to try and control things was so difficult.
Yet as I continually doubled down on my commitment to surrender this year, something amazing happened…
I realized that in surrendering the negative things (worry, fear, scarcity, etc.) to the universe, I made room for myself to surrender TO all the positive things that were available to me like joy, inspiration, and - yes - even more abundance.
Without realizing it, I had started to embody my next level self.
The version of me who has reached a new level of success, impact, and income in her business.
The version of me who is no longer living in scarcity.
A few months into this year, I realized that this was what was happening. So I jumped in fully.
I committed to continuing to surrender what no longer served me so that I could fully embody my next level self - my next level of wealth.
And let me tell you - my life looks so incredibly different in August 2023 than it did in December 2022.
Money flows differently (with more ease, less stress, and in greater amounts). I’m on track for possibly my best year in business yet. I enjoy life more. I am more present. More fulfilled. More confident.
And, as of last month, amazing opportunities that I could never have predicted are popping into my world.
Potential publishing deals. Amazing partnerships. New avenues for money springing up every week.
So much goodness behind the scenes.
Looking back 4 years ago in my business, the way I jumped from $2k/month to $20k/month was through embodiment.
But back then, I had found my way into embodying my next level through Human Design.
This year, I’ve found my way into embodying my next level through surrender.
Looking back even further, I can see how I’ve manifested amazing things into my life (my dream partner, my dream location, traveling to 15+ different countries, getting accepted into prestigious universities, becoming a published author at a young age, etc.) through embodiment of my next level self via meditation, visualization, energy work, affirmations, mindset work, and more.
It’s only recently that I can see how this is a lesson I’ve been learning and re-learning and mastering over nearly 2 decades now.
And I feel like I’ve hit the jackpot here.
Like I understand life, manifestation, and money on a completely new level.
Like I’ve cracked the code.
I have something amazing around this coming soon that I can’t wait to share with you.
But today I want to invite you to take a few moments and reflect on what you can surrender.
What you can let go of.
What no longer serves you.
So that you can start to gently release it (or dramatically release it - like I did - with a big declaration to the universe).
And if you actually commit to letting go of that scarcity day in and day out…
You’ll start to make space for what you do want - the version of you that you actually want to become - to come through.