Are you feeling stuck when it comes to money?
Are you ready to break through into your next level of wealth?
Today, I want to introduce you to a practice that has been my secret weapon for navigating these challenging periods and achieving financial abundance – I call it "Money Alchemy."
Before we dive into the practice itself, let's clarify what Money Alchemy means. Think of alchemy as the mystical process of transforming one thing into another. Money Alchemy, in turn, is the process of transforming your current financial reality into a different one. It's about changing your relationship with money and rewriting your financial story.
My journey with money wasn't always smooth sailing. Throughout my teenage years and most of my twenties, I felt trapped in a cycle of financial struggle. But then, I stumbled upon the skill of taking a challenging financial situation and turning it into something entirely different.
As I honed this skill, not only did I attract more wealth into my life, but I also discovered that I became more resilient, optimistic, and confident in handling any financial challenges that came my way. In essence, the practice of Money Alchemy transformed not only my financial situation but also myself.
So, how can you practice Money Alchemy, especially when your current financial situation feels light-years away from your goals?
There are various modalities you can explore, but today, I'm sharing the simplest method, which centers around embodying your next-level self.
Begin by identifying the aspect of your current financial reality that feels stuck or challenging. This could be something you've been wanting but can't seem to achieve, accompanied by negative thoughts and resistance. Summarize it in 1-2 sentences. For example, "I want to be making $100,000 a year," or "I want to have more than enough money in my bank account at all times."
Close your eyes and envision yourself in the future, having already achieved this desire. Imagine what your future self would say about your current situation. What lessons did she learn? Why is she grateful for the challenges you're facing right now? How can she see the silver lining in your current circumstances? Try to discern the positive aspects your future self would easily recognize. For instance, she might say, "I can see now how not having enough money in my bank account made me grateful for the money I did have."
Write down 1-2 sentences summarizing the wisdom your future self just shared with you.
Write down 1-2 sentences summarizing the new financial reality you desire, as if it's already a reality. For example, "I make $100,000 a year" or "I always have more than enough money."
Sit in the energy of the statement you just wrote. Imagine what it feels like when that statement is true. Sit in that energy as if it's already done for at least 1-2 minutes, and then carry that energy with you throughout your day.
This practice is a powerful way to rewire your mind, shifting your perception of your current financial reality from feeling stuck to a period of growth and transformation. It enables you to embody the mindset of your next-level self.
I recommend practicing Money Alchemy at least once a day until you start to witness shifts in your financial reality. Remember, you can't overdo it!
And always keep this in mind: You're not stuck; you're in the process of alchemizing.
If you're ready to fully harness the power of wealth embodiment and accelerate your financial transformation, don't miss the FREE Financial Frequency 3 day training. You can find it here!