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Taylor Eaton

Why Most People Will Never Make More Money (and How to Make Sure You Do)

Updated: Sep 17, 2023

Do you find yourself desiring more money in your life?

If your immediate response is a resounding "Yes, of course I am!" - you're in good company. In fact, we'd bet that nearly 99.9999% of people would share those same feelings.

The idea of winning the lottery or experiencing a dramatic upswing in your business with wealth pouring in is undoubtedly an enticing daydream.

However, here's a truth that has emerged after years of diving into the intricacies of money mindset and assisting thousands of individuals in manifesting greater wealth: what often holds most people back from reaching their next level of prosperity is the simple fact that they aren't truly prepared for it.

Despite the openness people express about welcoming more wealth into their lives, the reality is that they often remain unprepared.

Why, you might ask? Keep reading below or watch the youtube video below!

The answer lies in the way they think. Even though they dream of more money, they continue to think, act, and feel like someone who doesn't have that wealth. Their daily lives are still controlled by the thought patterns and behaviors linked to their current financial situation. Whether they are consciously aware of it or not, they fixate on aspects that reaffirm their existing relationship with money.

We've all heard the phrase "What you focus on grows." If you continually concentrate on your current financial reality - in other words, your present level of wealth - you end up perpetuating it. It's like putting yourself in a self-imposed prison, creating a never-ending loop where you keep experiencing the same financial circumstances because you're approaching things in the same way.

But here's the kicker:

Most people dream of a wealthier future but pause when it is time to adopt the mindset, focus, emotions, and actions that a more expanded version of themselves would have. Instead, they fall into the trap of waiting for the money to arrive, believing that it will transform not only their lives but also who they are as individuals. They think that money will magically change them, but it doesn't.

In reality, there are only two potential outcomes when you hold onto this line of thinking:
  1. You'll keep recreating your current level of wealth indefinitely.

  2. You might attain a higher level of wealth, but you'll inevitably revert to your old patterns and behaviors, often leading to financial downfall.

For example, consider someone who currently earns very little money and believes that making money is challenging. They assume that if they were to suddenly start earning more money, they'd no longer have the belief that it's hard to make money. Yet, they consistently think, "Money is so hard to make," without ever questioning whether someone who already has the wealth they desire thinks the same way.

They continue waiting for the day when money finally shows up, convinced that on that day, they'll magically start believing that making money is easy. However, this day never comes.


Because they're continually reinforcing the same thoughts, feelings, and actions that make money feel difficult to earn.

This waiting for money to change your thoughts, feelings, and actions is fundamentally backward. To achieve a more financial success than you're currently experiencing, you must begin to think, feel, and act like the version of yourself who is already financially successful.

Now, this doesn't mean you should start spending money you don't have. Instead, it involves internal shifts and daily actions. You need to approach your life as though the next-level version of yourself has taken a time machine back to the present and has been plopped into your current life experience. This upgraded version of you likely possesses a different mindset, energy, and daily habits.

So, if you want to attract more wealth into your life, it's time to start embodying (thinking, feeling, and acting) that level of wealth. This transformation enables you to see previously unseen opportunities for generating income, aligns your energy with the financial abundance you desire, and prompts you to take different actions that lead to wealth.

If you're concerned about remaining perpetually stuck at your current level of wealth, the solution is simple but powerful. Change your thoughts, change your energy, and change your actions. Embody your next level of wealth in all areas of your life.

Remember, the thoughts you currently hold, the energy you carry, and the actions you take have brought you to your current financial state. To ascend to a new level of wealth, you must adopt new thoughts, new energy, and new actions that align with that higher level of prosperity.

Now, we understand that this transformation is easier said than done. That's precisely I crafted a brand-new, free 3-day experience called "Financial Frequency." In this 3-day wealth attunement, I will guide you through our favorite method for embodying the next level of wealth.

Are you ready to upgrade your financial frequency and unlock the doors to your financial success?

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