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Image by SJ Objio

Community, content, and resources to help you embody & manifest the abundance you desire.


Join us to explore different spiritual/self-development modalities for wealth every month.


Manifesting money isn’t about what you do - it’s about who you become.

Image by Olga Thelavart

There are limitless levels of wealth available to you in this life - and deep down in your soul, you know it.

You know you’re destined for financial abundance.


Maybe you’ve even had big uplevels around money in the past - so you know what’s possible. 


And when you close your eyes, you can so clearly imagine what your life will look like once you reach that next level of wealth…

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~ The overflow of money in the bank ~ 

~ The time and financial freedom ~ 

~ The sense that everything you touch turns to gold ~ 

~  Opportunities for abundance falling into your lap left and right ~ 

~  The effortless promotions & pay increases, the dream job, the booming business, the ever increasing income ~ 

~  A complete love and passion for what you do ~ 

~  The ease, joy, and fullness of a life well-lived ~

There are times you are so aligned with this vision you have for your life.


Times where it’s easy to think thoughts of prosperity, dive deep into gratitude, and feel as if the abundance you desire is already here.


It feels so close…like it’s inevitable. 

But then reality hits. 

You look at your bank account…and don’t see the numbers you want.


You talk to your partner/friend/family member about your dreams…and they respond with worries, concerns, or doubts around money. 


You scroll social media…and feel a sense of jealousy mixed with frustration as you see someone else sharing news of a big promotion, posting photos of a luxury vacation, or popping champagne as they celebrate their highest income month in business yet. 


You launch something new in your business or go to a job interview full of confidence that this will be the thing that gets you to the money you want…but then start to doubt whether things will go your way when you don’t see the sales or job offer come in immediately. 


Thoughts of self-doubt start to creep in.

“Why is it so easy for other people to make money, but I feel so stuck around it?”


“I’ve been working so hard - do I have to work even harder?”


“I’ve broken through money blocks in the past…or at least I thought I did…why am I stuck again?”


“I’ve been doing affirmations all day, meditating, visualizing, feeling as if…and it’s still not here.” 


“It must be because I’m not smart enough/good looking enough/lucky enough/special enough.”  


“What am I doing wrong?”


And before you know it, a sense of dread washes over you & you feel a deep ache in your soul as you begin to worry that you’ll never have the money - or the life - that you dream of. 


Which leads you to wonder how you’re supposed to summon the belief in yourself or “feel abundant” (like all the money/manifestation/spiritual gurus are telling you to do)...


Because how are you supposed to “act as if” or “live in the state of the wish fulfilled” or “embody your higher self” when everywhere you turn is evidence that you’re not where you want to be?

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A membership designed to be your oasis of abundance. 


A place for you to connect with your next level of wealth and hold that connection. 


A place for you to plug into - and amplify - the energy of wealth.

A place for you to learn and master different modalities to transform your relationship with money
and your financial reality.

This is the place where the quantum leap into prosperity happens. 


This is a space that grows with you as you continue to uplevel into more & more money.


This is the bridge between your current financial reality and limitless abundance.


Whatever that next level of wealth looks like to YOU…this is the space to embody it fully
and ongoingly.


All so that you can finally manifest the wealth you desire.

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Get ready for your financial reality to change.

The Wealth Vibe is designed to help you embody your wealthiest self.


And when you do that, amazing things happen…


You immediately shift out of desperate, needy energy (which repels people) and into an empowered, confident energy that magnetizes people to you and makes them feel confident in paying you/hiring you. 


You operate from alignment - creating and taking action from your soul - and in operating differently, you suddenly find yourself busting through blocks around money or plateaus in your income that plagued you for months (if not years). 


You show up as the most authentic, magnetic version of you in all areas of your life, no longer worrying what others think and instead fearlessly innovating & paving your way to wealth. 


You do your best, most inspired work, making it impossible for people to ignore the value you bring to the table - having dream clients or employers lining up and asking to pay/hire you


You eliminate any competition or comparisonitis, standing fully in your power + standing out, resulting in clients/employers chasing you. 


You tap into endless inspiration, motivation, and energy - making it easy to show up and take actions that bring your desired wealth into reality.


You know you are unstoppable and that no amount of money, no level of success, no lifestyle - nothing - is off limits to you.

Here’s What Is Inside of The Wealth Vibe Membership


Connect with a like minded community of people who are all doing exactly what you are - embodying & manifesting abundance. Find support, give encouragement, celebrate wins, collectively amplify everyone’s abundance, contribute content & discussion, and more.

Monthly Calls

Join Taylor once a month on an exclusive virtaul call or livestream inside of the membership where she’ll be offering trainings, talks, and/or collective coaching on various concepts + modalities relating to wealth embodiment & money mindset - all to support your expansion into more abundance. Replays of the calls will be available and added to a growing library inside of the membership.

Monthly Challenge

Dive into a new challenge each month - each with a different theme to help you build the habit of wealth embodiment in your life via different modalities (such as mindset, magickal practices, energetics, Human Design, quantum leaping, and so much more)! Members who complete the monthly challenge are entered to win a prize (prizes vary each month). Challenges run from the 1st - 21st of each month. 

Book Club

Get access to The Wealth Vibe Book Club! Read & discuss books around spirituality/self-development + money. With discussion threads, a dedicated book club space, the ability to suggest future book topics, and polls for members to vote on future reads - the book club is worth the price of the membership alone!

Welcome Video

Upon enrollment, you will get immediate access to a welcome video from Taylor that will set you up for success inside of the membership.
This ensures that you can hit the ground running and start getting all the benefits of the membership from Day 1.

Bonus Content

Access a growing collection of exclusive meditations, affirmations, magic spells, & card readings for abundance. Taylor periodically adds new content into these spaces as she feels inspired and you have access to them as long as you are enrolled in the membership.

Upcoming Challenges

(challenge topics are subject to change)
April: Quantum Leap into Abundance Challenge
May: Money Negativity Detox Challenge
June: Receiving Mode Challenge
July: Manifest Money in Your Sleep with SATS Challenge

Pricing & Enrollment


Join now!

The Wealth Vibe is a monthly membership
(you can cancel at any time if enrolled on the monthly plan)


(or $265/year)

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Client Love for The Wealth Vibe

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Hi! I’m Taylor.

I’m a wealth embodiment & money mindset expert, a business mentor, an oracle deck author, and an entrepreneur.

I specialize in helping others transform their relationship with money so they can call in more abundance with ease - all in a way that feels good to them.

My own journey with money has been a truly transformational one that’s taken me from…

>>> an office job where I was underpaid to a thriving multiple six-figure business.

>>> feeling anxious AF around money to feeling empowered and limitless.

>>> struggling to make $2,000/month to making $20,000+/month overnight.

>>> desperately wanting time freedom to retiring myself and my husband from our 9-5 jobs.

>>> from $100k in debt to $100k in the bank.


And so much more.


Through my programs, coaching, and oracle deck, I’ve worked with thousands of people to heal & amplify their relationship with money. And I’ve been featured for my unique approaches in publications like Yahoo! Finance, Thrive Global, and Influencive.

My clients have had phenomenal results like: going from the brink of bankruptcy to making six-figures, scaling up their online businesses to $10k-$60k months, making huge leaps in their careers, bringing home over $300,000 in a year, and so much more - all by shifting the way they approach money.

But that’s all superficial stuff. Here’s what I want you to know...

I believe that it’s time for a revolution in the way we - as individuals and as a society - approach money.


I believe that happiness is the path to the money you desire - not the other way around.

And the more you heal the inner-struggle around money, the more effortless your outer-experience of money becomes.

The Wealth Vibe is the culmination of my decades of experience working with embodiment and money mindset. 

The inspiration for it came to me well into my entrepreneurial and money journey.

I’d already experienced huge uplevels around money and was at the point where I had an intimate understanding of how to embody & manifest new levels of wealth…

But I found myself and my clients continually running up against the challenge of actually holding that embodiment when mainstream society, social media, and our own inner-saboteurs seemed to be working against it. 


In short, I created this membership to be a space that facilitates the embodiment and manifestation of wealth. 


I created it for myself.


I created it for you.


I created it for all of us to step into new levels of wealth together.

Image by SJ Objio

The Wealth Vibe is right for you if…

Image by SJ Objio

You are done waiting to reach your next level of wealth and are ready to step into it now


You feel like the traditional approach to money doesn’t serve you and you want a place to dive deeply into the intersection of money and spirituality. 


You desire to strengthen your relationship with money and master the ability to intentionally manifest more of it into your life.


You crave support, encouragement, connection, and discussion in a like-minded community and discussion around wealth embodiment, manifestation, and money mindset.


You want a space where you can suspend your disbelief, detach from what is, and tune into what you desire to create. 


You don’t want to just build a rich life (where you have a lot of money), but want to build a wealthy life (where you have it all).

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