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Taylor Eaton

5 Signs That Your Money Manifestations Are Coming

Updated: Sep 17, 2023

Tell me if any (or all) of this sounds familiar…

Scenario #1

You do your morning routine each day and get into an amazing headspace. You feel unstoppable and so aligned with the money, success, and lifestyle you want. It feels inevitable. And then you pay your bills or check your bank account and immediately feel so far away from the money you desire.

Scenario #2

You had a serious uplevel around money in the past. Like, you hit a huge goal, got a big raise, had a big jump in your income. And when that happened, you felt like you’d cracked the code around money. But now you’re looking at the next milestone you want to hit…and it feels impossible. None of the things you did to reach your current level are working to get you to your next level. And, let’s be honest, it’s starting to piss you off.

Scenario #3

You identify a big money block (a toxic habit, a way you’ve been self-sabotaging yourself, a limiting belief, etc.) and work through it. You journal, you heal, you shift your mindset. You do the work. And you feel so certain that you’ve cleared that block. You’re flying high with a new lease on life, certain that you’ve upleveled around money. But then 2 days later you find yourself right back at square one, stuck in that old block again, but feeling even worse than before - like you’ll never truly be able to clear that block and you’re forever doomed to struggle around money.

Scenario #4

You feel really clear on your next level of wealth. You’re even feeling like you’re BEING that version of yourself, embodying that version of you. It feels so close. You’re maybe even living in that blissful state of feeling like it’s already done. But then you scroll through social media and see some influencer or a person in your industry who’s living the life YOU want. And suddenly the comparisonitis floods in and you start feeling foolish for thinking you could ever have that kind of wealth.

Scenario #5

You make a decision to commit to thinking positively about money and acting like your next level self. You feel so in flow with the universe. And maybe you even see some small wins. But then you mention your new approach to money to your friends/family/partner and are met with some raised eyebrows (or worse). Suddenly, the wind has been taken from your sails and you feel foolish - maybe even irresponsible - for trying to embody or manifest wealth.

If any (or all) of this is something that you’ve encountered, then I’ve got some words of encouragement for you today.

First of all: you’re not alone.

And second of all: you’re right on track to creating the financial reality that you desire.

In fact, all these “struggles” are really signs that you are getting closer and closer to calling more money into your life.

As frustrating as this can be, it’s all part of the process.

Because as you dream big and stretch yourself out of your comfort zone to become the version of you who has all the money you desire…

You’re undergoing an ego-death.

You’re laying to rest your old identities, stories, energy, and habits around money.

But that stuff doesn’t go quietly.

Your ego will throw everything it has in its arsenal to convince you not to change. To stay the same. To stay EXACTLY where you are financially.

Because that’s what it knows, that’s what feels safe.

Even if you feel completely unstable when it comes to your finances, your ego would rather stay in THAT discomfort because it KNOWS what that discomfort is like…it doesn’t know what possible discomfort might come from having more money.

In short, there’s a part of you that is afraid of the unknown (aka your next level of wealth).

So your ego will make up stories, inspire self-doubt in you, compare yourself to others, stress about HOW you’ll get to the wealth you desire, look to others in your life for approval (and freak out when you don’t find it there), and generally do anything it can to convince you that you’ll never reach your money goals…all so that you’ll just give up and stop trying to change.

This is why it can feel like you’re taking 2 steps forward and 1 step back when it comes to money mindset / manifestation work.

(And - if we’re being honest - sometimes it can feel like you’re taking 2 steps forward and 5 steps back.)

Now here’s where I’m going to let you in on a secret…

I have struggled with ALL of the scenarios I listed at the start of this email more times than I care to admit.

And when I’ve gone through these scenarios, it had felt terrible and like I’ll NEVER get to my next level of wealth.

But whenever I come out the other side of these struggles, I realize that they were evidence that I was getting really close to my money manifestations.

I was getting so close - to changing myself and my reality - that my ego freaked out and tried all it could to get me to stop.

Because these types of things are essentially the death throes - the last ditch efforts - of an ego that’s on the brink of extinction.

So if you are currently experiencing any (or all) of these scenarios - or anything similar - know that even though you may feel like giving up and backsliding into your old, familiar habits around money…now is actually the time to double down on embodying and manifesting that wealth you desire.

Because you are so close to becoming the version of you who has the money you desire.

That money is so close.

You’re just going through the discomfort of transformation right now.

And these moments are the most pivotal ones. They’re a sign that you’re on the right track, but you’ve got to stay the course.

Like they say, the night is always darkest before the dawn.

Most people get STUCK in these moments.

They use them as evidence NOT to change.

But the key here is to reframe them as evidence that everything is just about to change FOR you, as long as you commit to embodying that change yourself.

This is, by the way, exactly why I created The Wealth Vibe membership - to support you through these pivotal moments and make embodying & manifesting your wealth as easy as possible.

It’s a membership that gives you tools, resources, trainings, the energy of abundance to plug into, and a supportive community of like-minded people who get it and are all doing the same thing.

It’s a place to connect with your next level of wealth and HOLD the embodiment of it.

A place to suspend your disbelief, to overcome the sneaky sabotage of your ego, to feel abundant and embody that abundance before the money shows up.

A bridge between your current financial reality and limitless wealth.

So if you want support in moving through these crucial moments along your money journey with ease - come join us inside of The Wealth Vibe membership!

It’s incredibly affordable, and you can cancel at any time.

Whether you join The Wealth Vibe membership or not, I encourage you to reframe how you see these sorts of scenarios.

To see them as evidence of the inevitable, incoming manifestation of the wealth you desire.

And to find the strength to move through them and into your next level of abundance.

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